Posts in Health Coach
5 Healthy Resolutions (You Can Actually Keep!)

As we close out what has been, for most, a dumpster fire of a year, wanting to create a better life in 2021 makes sense. And while in the past, around 33% percent of Americans resolved to “eat healthy” or “go to the gym” and “lose 15 pounds by March” - over 50% of them didn't keep it up past a month. But it seems this year we’re being a bit kinder with ourselves. Some of the top resolutions have been more along the lines of achieving and maintaining an overall sense of wellness. Of course your physical health is a part of that - but so is you mental, emotional and even financial health. And, it seems we’re not holding ourselves to strict deadlines on these resolutions either. So what are some simple, small things you can incorporate into your daily life that will improve it all around?

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My Healthy Morning Routine

A new school year, a global pandemic, a stagnant economy and trying to figure out what the hell this “new normal” is that everyone keeps talking about, we are STRESSED! It’s probably more important than ever to put in the effort and start your day off well! You’ll be amazed at the change a few simple steps can make in your day! Set yourself up right with my Healthy Morning Routine Guide, or read through for more!

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Immunity Boosting Foods

Here on the East Coast of the U.S. they are beginning to announce plans to get the world spinning again! So let's make sure we all get back together as the healthiest versions of ourselves! In this video I'll tell you about some immunity boosting foods and how they help your body! Why should you turn to food to boost your immune system? Because 70% of it is IN your digestive tract! Please note that there is NO CURE and NO KNOWN PREVENTION for COVID-19. These are simply, natural ways to boost an otherwise healthy immune system. Join me for this Health Coach Hack!

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My 5 Favorite Smoothie Recipes

With everyone clamoring over Corona virus - not to mention the time of year in general - I thought I'd bring back Health Coach Hacks and start you off with my 5 Favorite Smoothie Recipes! These easy meals help boost immunity and weight loss! NONE of them have added sugar - all sweetened with fruit by Mother Nature! They all contain healthy, whole foods that will serve your body and allow it to do what it does best - keep you WELL! And as always - feel free to start here and play with the recipes! Try different types of milk (I use almond milk in the video and at home) or even yogurt! Swap in different greens like spinach, kale, or beet greens. Try an apple or pear in place of a banana. And add in different nuts, seeds and nut butters like walnuts, almonds, pecans, sunflowers seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds! The options are endless! Enjoy all of these in good health my friends!

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How To Organize A Healthy Pantry

Are you “chronically disorganized”? Me too! But I grabbed professional organizer Gayle Gruenberg to help me get my pantry organized so my kitchen (and pretty much my life) can run a bit more smoothly! Learn how to save money, time and space! Plus helpful organizer “hacks” and why having an organized pantry can lead to an overall healthier lifestyle!

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